Monday, July 30, 2007

He Passed!

Obviously... Roddy passed his Polygraph test this morning! He was a little nervous, but he said they asked some pretty basic questions, such as had he ever done any illegal drugs, had he ever had a DUI, had he ever committed any serious crimes, had he lied on any of the questions they asked him earlier, etc.

Today we're having more thunderstorms. Rod only worked until eleven this morning, just getting his "leave chits" and things from on base, and now he's officially on terminal leave! We went over to Chanticleer to turn in our keys and say goodbye to the place. I didn't even go in... I probably would've gotten emotional, even though our new place is much nicer, I did spend the last year (and the first year with Roddy) over there.

Right now I'm chatting online with an HP specialist named "Solomon," asking him how I can download a new CD/DVD driver on my computer. Apparently, Windows Vista has a problem with this driver malfunctioning on most computers after a little bit of time. Mine hasn't worked for several months.

Then we're going to figure out what we can do on a rainy Monday afternoon that doesn't cost any money.

I stayed up pretty late last night narrowing down my options for careers and thinking about what I want to choose and stick with, and what order I want to do things in (school, etc). I have it pretty narrowed down, but I don't know I want to broadcast it in case I change my mind, like I do all the time.

Tomorrow or the next day we're going down to OBX to visit Trina and her family. That should be fun. Hopefully there will be better weather.


Big Day Tomorrow

So, tomorrow I have the day off again, which I'm not too happy about. I've been having a lot of days off recently... I think the pharmacy may have overstaffed itself when it hired me along with a few other girls because they have limited hours for everyone to work now.

On a good note, tomorrow is Roddy's polygraph test at the Norfolk PD, and his last official day of work with the US Navy before his terminal leave starts!

I'm so proud of him, and so excited for him to start this great, big, new part of his life--his new career that he's so thrilled about. (:

He's a true inspiration to me, that's for sure. His dedication to this dream and his will to start taking Criminal Justice classes AND be in the Reserves all at the same time, really makes me proud to be his girlfriend.

Can't wait to celebrate with him. And now, for my bum-of-a-self to sit down on the couch and watch some of my recorded shows on the DVR and maybe think about what I want to do with MY life...

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Relaxing Weekend

This weekend has been GREAT so far.

We had Steph and Jay over tonight. They came over around three o'clock to go swimming and lie out by the pool for some fun and erasing of pasty white-ness, but after a half hour, it began to thunder and then rain. Understandably, we were kicked out of the pool by the lifeguard.

It was okay though; we headed to Blockbuster for our free rental of the week and I made Mexican lasagna (and LOTS OF IT so we have leftovers). We watched a few movies before the H's left (they're going to be married on September 15th). We continued to watch TV before Rod passed out and here I am typing away before I climb into bed, too.

We're pretty excited that in a few days, we'll be visiting our friend Trina and her family in the Outer Banks while they're on vacation (they live in New Jersey - we met her through our old roommate, Ray, who we miss, by the way, even though we're loving having a place to ourselves), and then to Connecticut a few days later, and then MAINE a few days after that!

So, it's been nice... we've had some quality alone time cuddling up with the dogs and had a relaxing night tonight in front of the TV, which we hardly ever do, but how can we resist when we're still in shock by our new entertainment equipment? I'm sure it will wear off sooner or later. (:

♥ xoxo

Friday, July 27, 2007

The Pilot

I realized today that I forgot to formally introduce us... so... welcome to our life!

We're twenty-two and twenty-one years old, living in Virginia Beach with our dogs, Koko and Bear. We've been together about a year and a half, but have known each other pretty much our entire lives.

Our parents lived next door to each other in the quaint little town of Chester, Connecticut, and throughout most of elementary school we caught the school bus together every morning. When we were maybe seven or eight years old, Rod's mom - Sharon - started dropping Roddy off at our house in the morning before school so she could bring his brother Daniel to daycare. Rod and I would eat breakfast, climb trees, play games, and wait for the bus at the end of the driveway.

(He swears we would play 'Cops and Robbers,' but I have no memory of this. Still, I clearly remember convincing him to play 'Barbies' with me, and he claims this never happened, so who will ever know?)

A couple years later, Rod, his mom and his brother moved across town, and we didn't really see much of each other after that, except in school, which didn't involve any dialogue or interaction apart from brief passings in the hallway.

It wasn't until December of 2005 that we met up again and started dating. I'd recently left college in Florida (living at a college was not for me) and he'd been stationed in Virginia Beach with the Navy for two years already. He came home on leave for 10 days, and by the time he left, we were already in love. A month later, I moved to Virginia to live with him, and we've been here ever since!

Now, Rod's in the process of getting out of the Navy and beginning a Law Enforcement career. He starts the Norfolk Police Academy in mid-September. I'm taking a class here and there, still trying to figure out what I want to do with my life... working as a Pharmacy Technician for right now.

I tend to change my mind about anything and everything, all the time.

As of July 7th (07/07/07), we're living in a new apartment at Runaway Bay. It's great, we love it, and we've been working on it ever since, getting new furniture and entertainment and supplies... decorations come next.

Today is a pretty slow day for us. Rod got out of work early, as he has been since he's been checking out of the Navy, and I have the day off. I'm sure Roddy will be fiddling with the new TV and entertainment stand for the rest of the afternoon. I'm about to head over to the clubhouse to take advantage of the gym and tanning bed.

Be sure to keep coming back to stay updated updated! Enjoy. (:

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

New England

OK, I know I don't live in New England anymore, but I did for eighteen years of my life, and this is funny...

"Forget Rednecks, here is what Jeff Foxworthy has to say about New Englanders..."

1) If your local Dairy Queen is closed from September through May, you live in New England.

2) If someone in a Home Depot store offers you assistance and they don't work there, you live in New England.

3) If you've worn shorts and a parka at the same time, you live in New England.

4) If you've had a lengthy phone conversation with someone who dialed the wrong number, you live in New England.

5) If "vacation" means going anywhere south of New York City for the weekend, you live in New England.

6) If you measure distance in hours, you live in New England.

7) If you know several people who have hit a deer more than once, you live in New England.

8) If you have switched "heat" to "AC" in the same day and back again, you live in New England.

9) If you can drive 75 mph through 2 feet of snow during a raging blizzard without flinching, you live in New England.

10) If you carry jumpers in your car and your wife knows how to use them, you live in New England.

11) If the speed limit on the highway is 55 mph, you're going 80 and everybody is passing you, you live in New England.

12) If driving is better in the winter because the potholes are filled with snow, you live in New England.

13) If you know all 4 seasons: almost winter, winter, still winter and road construction, you live in New England.

14) If you install security lights in your house and garage, but leave both unlocked, you live in New England.

15) If you have more miles on your snow blower than your car, you live in New England.

16) If you find 10 degrees "a little chilly," you live in New England.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Move-In Day

Well, we started moving in EARLY this morning. The place is great, I just feel like we have so much CRAP that needs to get put away and not enough places to put them. But I'm sure I'm over-reacting.

I just met Kelli, the girl who lives above us, she's really nice and has a Weimeraner puppy...the kind of dog Rod loves, and basically made friends with her and I'm watching her dog for her tomorrow while she goes to some wedding or funeral or something, I forgot which. Bear loves Bailey (her dog), he tried getting her pregnant several times.

Now Roddy and Ryan are watching "Shooter" in our bedroom and I'm still putting stuff away. I almost feel like I'm doing all the work. Hmmm. Just kidding, of course. (: I didn't have to help carry any of the super-heavy stuff today, so I guess I shouldn't complain.

We're going to get couches and maybe/hopefully dining room table chairs tomorrow to complete the place, minus a couple other things like a new bed that Rod wants which will come later, probably.

In a couple days y'all will be able to come over and see our finished new home! (: (: