From unfinished post: On Monday I went for my first acupuncture appointment! It was awesome. I went to see Dr. Marco at the Stonington Natural Health Center. I told her I was there primarily for fertility, with weight loss as a secondary concern. Both are big concerns of mine, obviously...
OK, so I just noticed that this post was a draft from back in October/November/December (can't remember when I started the acupuncture exactly) of 2011 and I never finished it, so I am publishing it now and will update on it.
I went to the acupuncturist for a few months, but it was SO expensive, and after a while I didn't feel like it was enough to help with my PCOS and infertility stuff, and we were getting impatient on waiting to see if the acupuncture worked before starting medical infertility treatments. So, we went to UConn from December of 2011 until about a month ago. In that time, we went through a final cycle of Clomid (didn't ovulate), one and a half cycles of IUI (intra-uterine insemination), the first of which failed and the second of which we stopped half-way because it was too expensive and we decided to wait, switch insurance to cover IVF, and start an IVF cycle.
In July, we did our one and only cycle of IVF. The hormones totally kicked my rear, I was NOT doing well anxiety-wise, but I made it through the entire cycle and then on the day of transfer, all went downhill and I became an emotional wreck. It wasn't a good situation. I won't go into too many details, but it turned out that I did not become pregnant, and that all 7 of our remaining embryos did not survive to be frozen. We had discussed a) waiting to try to become pregnant down the road when things had calmed down and I could try with leftover embryos, or b) we could use a gestational carrier with leftover embryos. Obviously, neither of these are options anymore, and I have ZERO willingness to go through any more medical interventions. As many of you know, I was never really thrilled about doing any in the first place, but I put myself through it and don't regret it. I just want to move forward.
Will update again in the near future with what's happening next. :)