I decided not to do the name thing. I think I'll probably just drop the P and keep my middle and first names as they are now, and take Roddy's last name, C. I love his family, don't get me wrong, it's just weird thinking about becoming a C because of certain things from the past, as some of you know about.
But at the same time, I like that C is Italian, it's Rod's heritage, and the rest of the C family shouldn't be punished for one person, you know? I guess I'm also sad about losing P... maybe I'll make it one of my kid's middle names.
There's a lot to tell! I picked my wedding dress and it's just recently been altered and all set to go! I tried it on for the last time today, and it looks beautiful! It's so perfect in every way. My mom has offered me her veil that she wore on her wedding day, and I am so honored. I decided to make ALL of my bridesmaids my maids of honor, they are all amazing, I love them. I guess I can't call them all maids, though, huh? Half of them are married...!
I had the GREATEST bridal shower and an equally awesome bachelorette party. My shower was put on by my two godmothers, Renee and Mary. There were 25+ ladies there and it was so much fun. I must have opened a hundred gifts... I wish Roddy could've been there to help! But Heidi, Lucy and Trina helped me out. Sharon came and she was great with everyone, acted like she fit right in even though I knew she was a little nervous and didn't know anyone.
The girls and I had a blast that whole weekend. We missed having Steph and Kaley there, but understood why they couldn't make it. I drove Trina and Heidi around to show them the town and houses we've been looking at to move to, went swimming in my parents' pool and went across the CT River on the Chester Ferry to Gillette's Castle. They loved it and kept talking about how much they wanted to move to Chester. It's so beautiful in the summertime.
My Gran was in the hospital recently because she was feeling horrible and ended up having to have her galbladder removed. That was scary for a few days. She's still recovering, but is almost back to normal! (: I can't wait to see her in the next few days while we're up north again. We've been going to CT SO MUCH lately... we're leaving tonight when Roddy gets out of work at 11:30 and getting there at the butt-crack of dawn right before one of his appointments.
He's going to be a police officer at the __ PD, assuming he passes the polygraph test and psychological evaluation he has this week... which I have no doubts about. I have a job acceptance from P with [insurance company] in [town], so I'll have about a 5 minute commute every day to work.
Two weeks ago I passed my Life & Health and Property & Casualty insurance licensing pre-examinations; now all I have to do is complete a Criminal History Record Report through the Virginia State Police and then send in my application for my two licenses! I'm so excited. It feels almost as good as getting an actual degree... which will be my next goal. I plan to keep writing at the same time - I actually found a story I started in CT while I was there for the shower and plan to complete it and try to get it published.
I still want to work with kids, despite my interest in insurance right now. I think it all comes down to business and children. I have a dream to open my own childcare program, or maybe even an adoption/foster care agency someday. That could really be perfect for me.
On Thursday we're meeting with our realtor and looking at 6 more houses (we've already looked at 4) and then will be putting an offer in on one hopefully! We're very excited and somewhat stressed, as is expected.
All of my bridesmaids have gotten their dresses fitted except Kaley and Steph, but Steph goes today and Kaley goes tomorrow. So, we're on a roll! Everyone has pretty much RSVP'ed.
Now on to my bachelorette party this past weekend. It was so. much. fun! Steph planned most of it. She brought over a whole bunch of decorations and games. We all wore these kickass masks with words on them like, "Tease," "Flirt," "Sexy," "Single," "Wild," etc. The only two who couldn't make it were Ashley (she couldn't get a babysitter) and Heidi (horrible toothache lately that's given her terrible headaches). And Trina, who couldn't make it down from Jersey. Lucy flew in from Boston and she, Steph, Kaley and I had a great time. We played games, went to Applebees, sat at the bar and had appetizers and drinks, then went to the oceanfront and the strip to Peabody's, where Lucy made me do my first shot of tequila. It was brutal. I had two drags of Kaley's cigarette - just so I could say I'd done it since I never have - but definitely won't be making it a regular habit.
Kaley and I were both buzzing, and she was hilarious. After a while I really missed Roddy and kept saying I wanted to go see him. They all oohed and ahhed and we went back to the house for awhile. Then Ray, and Roddy and I drove Kaley home.
Lucy and I spent every day at the beach and Rod took the day off on Sunday so he could spend time with Lucy before she left. He and I both got sunburns; Lucy got pretty pink, too. She left on Sunday night. I finally took down my "Last Fling Before the Ring" poster from our front door. Ha. (:
Our wedding photographer (also a family friend) is going to be taking our (very late) engagement pictures on Thursday night at Hammonasset, so expect some good ones soon!
As for right now, I still have to do laundry and make the bed and pick up some things and shove some water bottles in a cooler and take the dogs out. Then off on our eight-hour car ride!
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