I recently got a copy of our vows that Bonnie read during our ceremony, and I wanted to share them on here for those who weren't there that miraculous day! (:
Today, we have gathered together in a community of love and support to celebrate the marriage of Annie and Rod and to share in this joyous occasion. Theirs is an especially happy and enduring union, having begun in childhood and emerged again in recent years with deep love and affection for one another. This marriage is not only a commitment between lovers, but the joining together of two beloved friends. We are here today to bear witness to the uniting in marriage of these two special people who are deeply attuned to, and truly bonded to, one another. Annie and Rod want to proclaim their love for, and commitment to, each other before all of you, the people they love, and to recognize those who are not able to be here with us today.
In the spirit of sharing together in celebration, Dan, Rod's stepfather, has been asked to read Corinthians Chapter 1, Verse 13.
(1 Corinthians 13)
Annie and Rod, on this day of your marriage, you stand somewhat apart from all others. You stand within the circle of your profound love for one another, and this is how it should be. From this day onward, you will enter a special union in which you must strive to become closer together than ever before, cherish a mutual love and respect; accept each other unconditionally; give more deeply to each other than you ever dreamed possible; comfort each other in sickness and health; communicate with each other with trust and openness in times of hardship and happiness; and enjoy each other's company with laughter and delight.
Such love for one another will not only add depth and meaning to your relationship but should serve as a wellspring of energy, giving you the courage to face any adversity, and the strength to stand apart, to seek your unique destiny, to make your special contribution not only to each other, but to your family, to your friends, to your community and to the world. Our wish for you is that you love each other more deeply, give to each other more completely, and nurture each other so that you may both continue to grow and evolve as individuals and as a loving couple.
Being assured that you are aware of the meaning of this ceremony, I will now ask you to make your marriage vows:
Do you, Rod, take this woman, Annie, to be your lawful wedded wife, to love, honor and cherish her through sickness and health, through times of happiness and hardship, until death do you part? (Place the ring upon her finger and repeat after me.) "With this ring I thee wed and forever pledge my devotion."
Do you, Annie, take this man, Rod, to be your lawful wedded husband, to love, honor and cherish him through sickness and health, through times of happiness and harship, until death do you part? (Place the ring upon his finger and repeat after me.) "With this ring I thee wed and forever pledge my devotion."
From the earliest of times, the circle has been a symbol of completeness. An unbroken circle symbolizes a commitment of love that is never ending. As often as you look at these rings, you may be reminded of the commitment to one another which you make before your family and friends today.
Please join your hands together.
By the act of joining hands and exchanging rings, you take to yourselves the relationship of husband and wife and solemnly promise to love, honor, comfort, and cherish each other so long as you both shall live.
Therefore, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the laws of the State of Connecticut, I joyfully pronounce you husband and wife. Congratulations and good fortune to you both.
Please welcome Mr. and Mrs. C!
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