Tuesday, December 23, 2008


I saw something about the December 21, 2012 hype on the History channel the other day, and after it freaked me out a little, I talked to Kaley and Roddy and my mom who all basically laughed it off and made me feel better, and then I did some research and wanted to share this with anyone else who may be nervous about it.

Just to add... my mom helped me understand... there's a lot of paranoia and worry with people like I used to be who have a hard time dealing with the unknown. If there's something going on or possibly going on that they can't control, they want to try to figure it out and believe something literally so that it gives them something to rely on, whether it's good, bad, scary or comforting... at least it's something they 'know' as a fact.

The truth is, no one really knows. We just have to live every day and hope and love life to the best we can.

But for all the hype, there is little evidence the ancient Maya ever intended for the end of their calendar to be read as a potent for disaster.

(Read about it by clicking that sentence above.)

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