Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Everything now has to be private and secretive... I had to remove my last name from everything online so no one searching for me can ever find me unless they already know me and recognize me from my picture and first name... All because of some jerk who threatened to hunt down and harm our family because my husband arrested him for something he of course didn't do... ha.

Anyway, I don't like having to worry about safety, but I guess it all comes with having a police officer for a husband. And I wouldn't change it for the world. It's what he loves to do and I love him and am proud of him for doing it.

Although, the other day, he asked me what I thought about him looking into the FBI.

Oh dear. (:

I told him I'm open to anything he wants to look into. Anything. He could look into becoming an astronaut and I'd be more than open to it, but that doesn't mean I'd be okay with it in the end. If it turns out being in the FBI requires us to move to D.C. and have a 70% risk of going into witness protection services by the time we have our second child, no thanks.

But really, I'm open to anything I know nothing about, until I know something about it that I'm not okay with. So, we'll see. He tends to get these grand ideas and then loses interest in them after a month or so.

Well, just wanted to update everyone on why all of my personal information will be much more censored. Hope everyone had a great Easter!!!

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