Monday, June 29, 2009


Today I found out that I have extremely high cholesterol (in the 300s).

Well, I've known I had high cholesterol since the pediatrician told my mom when I was three years old. I was born with's in my genes (just another reason why I should adopt!)...and although it's been made worse with lack of exercise (not diet because I don't eat bacon, I use skim milk and margarine and probably eat eggs and red meat once every six months) I'm not supposed to be hard on myself because no matter what I did, it would still be relatively high.

Dr. B had given me a couple months to try dieting and exercise before he checked my labs again to see if anything improved, and it didn't. Granted, I missed my "daily walks" once every few days, but I was eating lots of veggie soup, NO fatty foods, NO fast food and very little of anything bad at all. I even ate oatmeal.

Oh well. Better safe than sorry...better to be on medication than having a husband worrying you'll have a heart attack, or worse - dead, that's for sure!

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