Saturday, February 12, 2011

Dreams of fostering

Last night I had a vivid dream that Rod was becoming very interested in foster care. We were sitting in the living room and the phone rang. He answered the phone and it was a social worker in Connecticut offering to provide us some information on a little boy named Dawit (an Ethiopian name, not sure why the foster child here in the U.S. would have the name, but who knows? Probably because I was reading a Yahoo! groups post about a family with an Ethiopian adopted child with this name). He was about three or four and Rod was extremely interested in fostering him. I woke up to Rod coming home from work and getting into bed, and I had a sinking feeling you often get when you wake up from a dream you wish was reality. I didn't know I was that interested in foster care myself! I know it's what Rod would prefer if we can't conceive... at least, that's what he told me a couple of years ago, and his mind changes constantly.

We'll see.

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