Wednesday, March 16, 2011


1) Daniel did not get into his top choice school, Northeastern. I don't know if he knows yet. (He doesn't read this blog, trust me.) The e-mail came to our family e-mail which only Rod and I check, and we had to forward it along to him. Luckily, all it says is, Your admission decision has been made, please proceed to such and such a web address and log on using such and such user name and password... Rod read it and told me that he had been declined admission, and we decided just to forward him the e-mail and let him see for himself because there's no good way to tell someone that, right? They should see it for themselves, and unfortunately, Rod had to see it before Daniel, but oh well. So, it is likely that Daniel will be going to Bryant, his second choice. I've gotta find out if they have an Accepted Student's Day so the whole family can maybe go check it out together. We went for a tour and info session back in the summer/fall, but it was just Daniel and me, so it would be good for everyone to go and for us to see it again and ask more questions.

2) Don't remember if I mentioned I applied and was accepted to Endicott College, the Van Loan School of Graduate and Professional Studies for their online Psychology degree. Well, I made the decision to transfer from Ashford to Endicott. I just finished up my last course at Ashford on Monday and will be starting my first class at Endicott in the near future. I'm excited! I decided because Endicott is closer to home, I have been to the campus twice (once when I applied after high school and once with Daniel since he applied, too... hasn't heard back yet) and I think it will look better on my resume.

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