Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

First of all, Happy Mother's Day to all you proud mamas out there!

Today I went over to my parents' house for lunch. We had chicken ceasar salad and talked about upcoming vacations. Then, my mom broke out this big plastic bag full of cards and letters sent to them in the weeks after they found out I was arriving. It was amazing, I read through all of them and teared up when I read the ones from people who are no longer with us.

You may think I have WAY too much time on my hands (or maybe it's just that it took me less than a half an hour because I type at lightning speed, ha!) but I typed them all up so I can preserve them forever in case they're ever lost or ahem, eaten by a dog...

I thought I'd share them in this blog since it is Mother's Day and I am just so grateful to have been placed with the family that I grew up with. I am so thankful that I was raised by two amazing, loving parents and can't thank them enough for the life they've given me. Obviously, the italics are the parts that were written on the cards, the non-italics are what people actually wrote themselves.

(Letter from Foster Parents)

Her pacifier is her friend. Since Caley has had the yeast infection she sometimes doesn't want the cereal but will take the formula fine.

Caley's Schedule:

Caley wakes about 5AM sometimes for a 4oz bottle and then about 7:30AM for breakfast. She has a 4oz bottle plus a teaspoon of cereal. After breakfast she has her bath and sometimes a 2oz bottle before going to sleep. She wakes up about 10:30AM or 11AM for another bottle and stays up for awhile. I cuddle her and play with her during this time. About 12:30AM she takes another bottle then goes down for her afternoon nap. She will wake about 2:30PM for another bottle. Then about 4:30-5 o'clock she will eat supper and a small bottle with her cereal. She has a fussy time b etween that and 10PM. She will then take a bottle in between 5 and 10PM. She likes to be rocked to sleep or layed on the sofa and pet her back. She likes a musical crib mobile.

Caley has had ear infections. She was put on amoxicillin and then switched to ceclor which she had a reaction to. She became extremely fussy and crying hard. She then returned to the amoxicillin. The ear infections are cleared up now but Caley came down with a yeast infection in her mouth and on her bottom. In the silver tube is hycogen cream which should be used on the bottom until the rash is gone.

The bottle of medicine is nyptatin. That is applied to mouth 4x daily until Friday when Caley should be seen by a doctor to see if it has cleared up. Caley got this yeast infection from medication. Started the nyptatin on 4/23/86. Apply with q-tips all around inside of mouth.

The hycogen cream is used on her bottom 3x a daily until rash is gone. Started 4/25/86.

Other than ear infections Caley is an excellent baby.

She is lovable.
She likes to be cuddled.
She sleeps when riding in a car.

Things we have said to Caley:

"Daddy loves you."
"Mommy loves you."
"Sister loves you."
"Mommy's little sweetheart."

Today, April 29th.

Caley has had her mouth medicine twice. Next time late this afternoon and 10 minutes before her night bottle. Caley has had her bowl movement today. She will be a little off schedule today but when she cries she will let you know she's hungry. Her next bottle should be about 12:30.

Caley loves to be cuddled.

(Mom's Letter/Journal to me)


With one telephone call our lives have changed forever. When Marge said "I have some news for you" I was shaking, sweating, screaming and excited. I found out that you were born on March 3 (Monday) and you weighed 7 lbs 13 oz. On March 24 you weighed 9 lbs. You were a full-term baby and you are healthy. You have blonde hair and blue eyes. That's all I know. I called your father who couldn't take it all in. We've been waiting for a baby for many years (7) and suddenly, you're almost here.

I called your aunts, your grandmother, your grandfather and friends (Mary, Wendy, Renee and Jill). Everyone was so excited. Many people cried. You have been wished for for so long.

Finally Sandy came home at 5:00 and we began talking. What should we call you? We love Anne. Many women on the Ford/Cone side of our family were named Anne. Grandmommy's mother was Annie Lee Gillette, Anna's (grandfather called Anna, his name was Thomas) sister was Anne, Anastasia was Sandy's grandmother. Constance is my mother's and sister's name. Anne Constance is a name of strength and steadfastness; names other people have had who are/were special to us. Annie you are.

Lots of people want to give parties to celebrate your arrival.

Always whenever I see daffodils or grape hyacinths I will think of your arrival into our lives. I can't wait to meet you.


Today we went shopping for your carseat, infant seat, some other necessities.


Marge put you in my arms and you began to hiccup. You had such a pretty face. Daddy kept saying, "What a treat you are."

You fell asleep in your car seat on the ride home. Both Daddy and I kept just staring at you. We just couldn't believe we really had a daughter as wonderful as you.

When we arrived home you had a telegram from Jill, Tom and Hailey. There were balloons tied along the driveway and 2 big bunches of pink balloons on the doors welcoming you home. I put a bunch on the mailbox so people going by would know you had arrived and how happy we were.

You make such noise when you eat - gurgles, inhales.


Gran came to visit today and she brough you presents - a portacrib, blanket and clothes. She loves you. You smiled at us today. You like to be changed.


Mike and Esther came to see you today. They were so happy they cried! They brought you presents too. Everyone is calling us and sending cards to celebrate you coming into our lives.

Dr. G said, "She's a doll" on your first visit today.


Wendy and Skye visited today and brought you flowers with the beautiful quilt of hearts.

We went for a long walk today - you slept soundly in the snugglie. Gramps came late this afternoon and said you were terrific.


Mary visited you today. I think you felt sick today because you wouldn't sleep and you cried a lot.

You were two months old today.


Today you found your fist and could suck on it. We sat outside for a while and watched Daddy build the back steps. It was windy.

Gran visited again and brought you some flowers - violets, periwinkle and forget-me-nots. Gran held you.

Renee and Bruce visited too.

You were great today - you're great every day.


Daddy went to work today. Poor Daddy. I'm glad I get to stay home with you. I'm lucky. You woke up around 8:30 - late - because you woke up at 3:30AM - unusual. Right now you're asleep in my arms. That is the nicest feeling in the whole world for me.

Sandy and Deedee P celebrate the arrival of Anne Constance, April 29, 1986 born March 3, 1986. 7 lbs 13 oz.

April 25, 1986. Dear Annie, Hi, by the time you are old enough to read this letter, I hope that you will know who I am and the special relationship I have with your mom and dad. I am writing you this letter because growing up can be hard. You may have periods in your life when you will struggle with the process. I have five children, some of whom have grown up lots, and some that still have lots of growing up to do! I just got a call from your mom and she told me that you were going to come next week. What joyous news that was! Your parents have waited a long time for that phone call to come from the agency. I have known your mom and dad for many years. I don't know two people that could possibly make better parents. It was sad that they were unable to give birth, but because they wanted to share their love and life with a child they decided to do the next best thing, adopt. That's how they were lucky enough to get you. Your parents prayed, hoped, and wished for a long time to get a baby. When you get down, just remember how very much you were wanted. And, I am sure, are loved. It takes a very special person to want to be a parent, with all the risks and rewards inherent in the process. Having given birth, I am sure it was difficult for your natural mother to give you up. She, too, must have loved you very much. God was smiling on you when he picked Sandy and Deedee to be your parents. You are a lucky girl, as I am sure they are feeling lucky. One of the qualities I admire most in your mom is her ability to talk and process information and feelings. Talk to them both and grow in their love for you. Looking forward to meeting you! Love, Renee

April 26, 1986. Dear Deeds and Sandy, The excitement level is pretty high around here but I know it can't compare to the excitement and thrill in Chester! Here's a few little things for Anne Constance, we'll definitely be thinking of you this coming week. Our love to you all! Joan and John

April 27, 1986. My dear Deedee and Sandy, My heart is so full of joy that I must somehow release it. The news of your beautiful daughter's arrival gave me wings and so much happiness! Anne Constance P is so blessed as well, for you two will bring her always into a world of rich understanding and caring. I love to think of all the fun you'll have together along the way - it will far outweigh the prickles on the path. Joe joins me in sending special love around your circle and we're on tip toe to meet your darling. Dear love, Tassy

Dear Mommy and Daddy P, Here are a few of the zillion things I could think of pertaining to Annie and your new life together. We're so glad she's finally here! Hallelujah! (I'm so thrilled and excited for you I can't spell and my grammar went to hell!) The three of you have so much to look forward to!! You just won't believe how wonderful it is til you experience it for yourselves. You'll find she was worth all of those long years of waiting! Anyway, enjoy every moment! And call if you have questions. Her foster parents are your best resource in the beginning. We're ecstatic for the three of you! Love, Sally, Bert and Tarren.
General Suggestions: Get plenty of film for your camera! Make sure there's plenty of food in the house for the two of you! You've got to maintain your stamina in order to take care of Annie. It'll save trips to the store. Rest when you're tired. Let the house go. When she gets home, just have the two of you hold, feed, change, etc. her for a week or so. Passing her around will confuse and upset her. Tell her who you are. This sounds very crazy, I know. Dr. Baker told us to tell Tarren that we were her parents, that we'd been waiting for her a long time and that we loved her very much! He feels babies know a lot more than people give them credit for. Obviously, they don't know the langugae but they respond to your voice, tone, etc. One thing Dr. Baker told us that was very helpful. Sometimes let her lie in the crib, infant seat, etc. and just look around. You're tempted to hold them constantly at first. However, if you never put her down she'll expect that all the time and will fuss whenever you put her down. In one sense you're teaching her what to expect. If you hold and play with her continually she'll always expect it. Also, don't be afraid to let her fuss a little. That's her outlet. Crying releases pent up tension. She'll sleep better too if she cries from time to time. Try to keep her on the schedule she's accustomed to. Babies like a fixed routine. She'll feel more secure, too. Skin-to-skin contact is good. If we'd had a big enough bath tub the three of us would have gotten in together for a warm bath. She's got to get used to your smells, voice, skin, etc. Same goes with the two of you getting acquainted with her. Tarren smelled like a stranger to us in the beginning. Now she doesn't, she's family. Don't get upset if you feel like you're babysitting in the first few days. It's normal. Bonding happens at a different rate for everybody. It takes time to get to know each other. You'll learn her cues and what they mean. After a while you'll know a hungry cry from a tired cry or just fussing. It's amazing how you learn their signals. She'll let you know her needs. We had so much company and phone calls that it was overwhelming. If people press you to come over tell them when it's not a good time or if you're too tired. Don't be afraid to take the phone off the hook. Once the word is out it'll ring constantly! The baby's needs and your own have to come before anybody else. If you'd given birth to her and had just come home from the hospital people would let you recover. You're still entitled to private family time and emotional recovery! People feel they have the right to ask all kinds of questions about an adopted baby. Some of their questions and comments may throw you. Annie is entitled to her heritage before anyone else. When Tarren first came home poeple told me she looked a lot like me. This upset me at first. However, it doesn't anymore, we feel like she was custom made for us. Many adoptive families have this experience. I feel God works in mysterious ways. Tarren was sent to us for a reason. You'll develop your own beliefs about Annie. When I'd run into people in town who didn't know we adopted they'd comment about how great I looked after just having a baby. I'd thank them and say I played a lot of tennis! You don't have to explain Annie's arrival if you don't want to. A lot depends on the person making the comments and how comfortable you are with them. People, in general, are ignorant about adoption and harbor some myths that aren't true.

April 29, 1986. Sandy and Deedee, A little girl! A baby girl to cuddle and love. How happy you must be! Congratulations and best wishes! Bill, Dana and Billy

May 1, 1986. Dear little one, Dick and I can't think of two better parents than Deedee and Sandy. You're a lucky little girl. We know you are beautiful and can't wait to see you. Love and kisses, Hope and Dick

May 2, 1986. Dear Annie, Welcome to the world! Can't wait to meet you. You sure picked a sterling pair of parents! Love, Linda, Chuck, Sarah, and Christian. P.S. Chuck "clipped" these for you!

May 4, 1986. Dear Deedee, I spoke to my parents recently who told me your wonderful news - joy of joys! Congratulations! I know that you two had been waiting a long time and it must be unbelievable to have the wait behind you and the reality of your own little baby right there. What excitement. The exclosed gifts may be a bit on the large size but sooner or later it will fit. My thoughts are with you and best of luck in the next few months, and a big hug to Anne Constance (or is it the other way around?). Much love, Nan

May 6, 1986. Dear Deeds and Sandy, CONGRATULATIONS! I hope to see all of you the next time we're down that way! I think of all of you often, and as a matter of fact, the night I heard you were having a baby, friends of ours up here just got news of adopting their second child. Let me know when your baby arrives! I'll be thinking of you. Oh YAY! Love, Sarah

May 11, 1986. Annie, Thank you for making this a Mother's Day to celebrate. Love, Doug, Betsy, Stuart and Kemp

May 11, 1986. Just a wee collection of necessaries for Deedee, Sandy and Annie! With our love, Tassy and Joe

May 13, 1986. Dear Deedee and Sandy, When mother told me of your exciting news for some reason I had expected the big event. Am anxious to meet my great niece. Love to all, John

May 16, 1986. Dearest Deeds and Sandy, Congratulations! I am so happy for you (I even cried when I got the news). She's a very lucky girl to have parents like you. Wishing you love, luck, patience and sleep. Ellen

May 20, 1986. Deedee and Sandy, It was great to hear of Anne Constance's arrival. I'm looking forward to seeing her one of these days. Little does she know how long-waited seh was. I know you're very fine parents. You're probably already experts by now. Hannah and Carisa have enjoyed this book a lot. Hope Anne does one of these days, too. I'm so happy for you! Love, Doris

June 1986. Dearest Anne, This is proof that you were "born with a silver spoon in your mouth." We are so happy you are here at last. With much love to you and your mommy and daddy. Mary

August 6, 1986. Annie dear, Someday I hope that you will watch gulls like these fly lazily over the pond and the ocean. In the meantime, little one, grow and flourish and be happy. Gran wishes you could be here for a visit with her. Love and many kisses, Gran

September 10, 1986. Dear Annie, Thank you for bringing your mom over to Guilford before we left. It was nice to see both of you, and everyone has been enjoying your pictures. We are having a wonderful vacation, the weather has been perfect. We are in Portland now after our nice visit in Vancouver. Love to you and Mom and Dad, Grandma and Grandpa

Annie, Learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all, I am sure that with the roots and wings that your parents have given you that is possible! Enjoy life! Love, Renee

Hugs and kisses, smiles and sighs, reflections of love in sweet baby's eyes. Congratulations! And love, Margot and Warner. Thrilled for you, look forward to meeting Annie on June 8!

For Anne-with-an-E. Welcome home. Love to you, Great Aunt Loie

Dear Deedee, Sandy and Annie! Wishing you all the very best! You will certainly be great parents. Happiness always! Fondly, Audrey and Fred

Love to baby. And much happiness to you all! Love, Jo-Ann

Dear Deedee and Sandy, Bill and I are so happy about your little girl and know she must be a joy to you both. We can hardly wait to see her when you bring her to the Vineyard. I think the beauty of a couple's love really flowers when they can share it with their child. My favorite poem and now Wendy's is as follows: "Not of my flesh, not of my bone, but nevertheless, my very own. Remember my child for each single minute, you were born, not under my heart, but in it." Have a wonderful, happy time with your little girl, we rejoice with you. Love, Judy and Bill

Baby: Handy way of disposing of unwanted cash and filling up free time while cutting down on unnecessary sleep, curtailing a demanding social life, and curing a neurotic obsession with personal hygiene. Congratulations! Love, Steve, Beth and Brian

Obviously a very good year. Much love to two wonderful people and one very fortunate child. Love, Charlotte and Eddie, Kyle and Erika

Little girls are precious gifts sent to us wrapped in roses and rainbows. Congratulations. And we should know! The H's

For you baby. A little gift for baby and coming with it, too, a wish for happiness ahead for every one of you! Amelia

With special love and best wishes for many happy Father's Days. Grandmommy

For baby. We are just so thrilled and happy for you and your folks! A family at last! God bless. Our love, Sally, Bert and Tarren

Love and best wishes to you and your parents. Liesel

Congratulations to the Ps! I hope the years ahead are filled with wonderful moments, and delightful days, all adding up to a lifetime of love and joy together. Warmest regards, Adanna

To welcome your baby girl. Dear Sandy and Deedee, I can't tell you how happy I, we, am, are, that your dream has finally come true. I'm sure you'll be great in your new roles and that Annie will be a source of love, peace and constant joy. Love, David and Vicki

Dear Annie, I'm having a good time here in Virginia. How are you? I made a new friend named John. I learned how to ride my bike without training wheels. We went to Luray Caverns. I bought a new canteen, and Mom and Dad bought me an Indian necklace. See you soon. Love, Krista

Dear Annie, Hi. We are in the Blue Ridge Mountains now. The weather is great. We are doing lots of bike riding and hiking, and lots of eating. Be seeing you soon. Love, Shana

Dear Annie, Since your daddy has been my godchild in name only I have made this Christmas stocking to show my love to all of you. I hope we will meet you one of these days. With much love, Dorothy

Congratulations! Mary, Cindy, Bob, Nancy, Megan, Bud, David, Jon, Bill, Greg, Jim, Lynn, Debbie, Al, Danny, Bruce, Martha

To Anne Constance with love in every stitch. From the Ts

A baby in the family? How very happy you must be! Congratulations. Deedee and Sandy, We are thrilled to hear about Anne. Love, Mary Lou and Kip

Welcome to the world! Welcome Annie! We're so thrilled for you both. I know you're going to make a wonderful family! Love, Kathy and Al

Dear Sandy and Deedee, This is wonderful news and we're both thrilled and are looking forward to seeing Anne Constance (great name). Of course this is late but I've gotten very bad about promptness. We'll see you soon. Love, Duane and Denise

A daughter! What wonderful news! This brings a special welcome to your someone sweet and small, for news about your daughter is the happiest news of all! Congratulations and best wishes. Love, Jeannie, Steve, Jeff and Jenny

Congratulations on your new baby! Don't hesitate to let me know if you need any advice. I'm an expert at 2:00 a.m. feedings. Love, Thelma and Bob

A baby girl. How very happy you must be! Congratulations. Sorry to miss your shower, but send all my love to you, your mother and father. Pat

Rock-a-bye baby on the tree top. I heard the good news. The cradle will rock! Congratulations! Hi! To Annie. Love Allison

A baby girl! Just think of all the happiness she'll bring into your home, not to mention stray kittens and homeless puppies, drippy ice cream cones, the neighbor's flowers, fuzzy caterpillars. Congratulations! With much love, the M family

Congratulations to a great pair on your new addition. We wish you all the happiness in the world. Love, Bob, Margie and Allison

Best wishes to you and your new baby. Today, may special gladness begin for both of you, for you must be very happy with your little someone new! Tomorrow, as your baby grows still sweeter and more dear, may all the joys of parenthood increase with every year! Always, may your family be blessed with dreams come true, and may each day to come hold lasting happiness for you! Congratulations. With lots of love from Morley and Eleanor

Congratulations on your new names, Mommy and Daddy. With hugs, kisses and a warm welcome to Annie and best wishes to you both! Love, Judy (and Bud, too!)

May the new baby bring you much happiness and joy. Congratulations. And love to you both and little Annie. Mary Jane and Ted

Hooray today! Mr. and Mrs. James R.

Congratulations on your new arrival! Dear Sandy and Deedee, John and I are so happy to hear about Annie. We feel like it's getting that much closer to reality for us. John's sister (who has three kids now) gave us a bunch of baby clothes last weekend. Hope we can all get together soon! Love, Cindy and John. Not flesh of my flesh nor bone of my bone, you're still miraculously my own. Don't ever forget for a single minute you grew not under my heart, but in it.

Congratulations on your new baby girl! Sincere congratulations and warmest wishes, too, that life will always hold the best for your little girl and you. We are so very happy for you! Fondly, Fred and Rosalie

For the new parents. Powder and pull toys, tiny white socks. Teddy bears, rattles, and alphabet blocks. Lullabies, laughter, contentment and love. These are the things that a baby's made of. Dear Deedee and proud papa, and welcome to baby Annie! How wonderful for all of you. David and Suzanne

And baby makes three! Congratulations. We are so happy and thrilled for you both! Love, Bruce and Renee

Dear Deedee, Congratulations on your new addition! I heard from Claire that you have a new baby and I think that is grand. I know how thrilled you must be and I know that the hard knocks of all these doctors must seem like light years ago. This has to be the perfect time to be a new mother and a new father. Just think of how easy life is with disposable diapers! Again, my best regards to you, your husband and baby. Anita

A new baby! Such a tiny bundle of joy. It's all that other stuff you lug around that's a pain in the neck! Congratulations! Doreen, Rick, Jill, Rob, Charlie, Celia and Anna

What a sweet little baby! And what lovely parents, too! Congratulations. We're very happy for all three of you! Welcome Annie. Love and congratulations, Taffy and Jay

A girl! What a sweet beginning to a happy-ever-after! Congratulations and best wishes. Sandy and Deedee, We're so happy for the two of you. Can't wait to see the little sweetheart! Love, Carol and Joe

Welcome to the clan, Annie. Love, Laura, Claudia, Katharine and Brian

Count us in with all the rest who wish you years of pleasure. We hope the days of "growing up" are days you'll treasure. A baby gift from all of us at Academy!

Deedee, Your card went through here and on to Wendy. We are so thrilled for you, Sandy and little Anne Constance. Hope we have a chance to see her one of these days. We were so excited about her we called Wendy to tell her. Really did send the card as we thought it was so cute. Good luck to all of you. Fondly, Barb

Baby girls are wonderful. Little girls are wonderful, they have the nicest way of bringing beauty into the world and sunshine to each day. Little girls are wonderful, they're precious dreams come true when they're as special as the one who's come to live with you! Congratulations. To Deedee and Sandy. Jackie, James and Beth

God, bless the little new life that has come into this home. It is too young to wonder about itself yet. It laughs and cries and sleeps as all babies do. It reaches out its arms to be held, fed, comforted. It doesn't ask, "Who are my parents?" It simply knows that it is loved and wanted and therefore has parents. God, bless these parents who worked and waited so long for its coming. Bless the room they have fixed up so tenderly for it, the plans they have for it, their apprehensions for it. And ease the secret apprehensions they have about themselves. Help them to see that they are better prepared than many whose children are not always welcome. And that mere blood is no guarantee of love or wisdom. Reveal to them the beauty of being adoptive parents. For to adopt is to choose, voluntarily to accept the responsibility of an otherwise parentless child. And let this lucky child of their adopting comfort and cherish them, too. Bless the home they will have together, the family they will beb. And when they ask, "Who am I?" let the answer be, "You are mine and I am yours and we are all God's children." Words from author Marjorie Holmes that seemed appropriate! Claire

Hoping that this Mother's Day will bring you lots of pleasure, with moments filled with happiness and memories to treasure. With special love to mother, dad and Annie. Grandmommy

Want a great Mother's Day? Get up real early, pile the kids, the dog, sandwiches, potato chips, soft drinks, games and a radio into the car, then go back to bed and sleep! Happy Mother's Day! We really don't think "Annie" has you at this stage! Every wish for your happiness on your first Mother's Day. Love, Mike and Esther

What is a baby girl? A baby girl is someone to love and cherish, too, a special little dream come true who'll fill the years with joy for you and fill your hearts with love. Congratulations and best wishes to all of you. Love, Jim, Carol, Nathaniel, Benjamin, Joshua and Jared

Having had the joys of three girls myself, I know the happiness and pleasures you have before you. The three of you are so lucky to have each other! Happiness always, love, Barbara

Dear Deedee and Sandy, We are just so happy for all three of you! I bet this year you will be the first ones to church on Children's Day! Love, Jeanie and Skip

Dear Sandy and Deedee, We just heard your wonderful news. It is so exciting to become parents and we are very happy for all of you. We are looking forward to meeting your new daughter! Gary and Carol

Sharing in your joy today, for the precious new life God has sent your way. Congratulations! Dear Deedee and Sandy, Are we ever happy for you! It is very exciting and life won't ever be the same again! Ever so much love and blessings galore. Lucy and Pat and Co.

Dear Deedee and Sandy, Carl and I are so happy for you! What a lucky little girl is Anne Constance to have found the two of you as parents. Please send a picture now and then so that we may share in your joy just a little bit! Love, Pat and Carl

Dear Deedee and Sandy, Welcome Annie!!! Love, Sally, Bert and Tarren. Annie, I'm so glad you've finally come home. You're lucky, just like me, because your mommy and daddy really love and appreciate you! I can't wait to meet you in person!! Love, Tarren

Welcome home to Annie! To a girl whose arrival heralds new beginnings for her parents. Much much love and joy to you all. Con and Willie

Dear Deedee and Sandy, Congratulations on your baby girl! A little girl to share your hearts. How wonderful for you. May all your days be filled with joy and may your dreams come true! We were so excited to hear about Annie!! Good news travels fast. You must both be thrilled. Your dreams have come true!! The best to all of you. Love, Laurie, John and Jacob

Congratulations on your new little one. Wishing you joy, wonder and some sleep. With lots of love and support, Mary

Congratulations Deedee and Sandy for your new arrival. Lots of love, Beth, Steve and Brian

Eyes so bright and tiny feet, dimpled hands and a smile so sweet. A darling girl, so cute and small. Congratulations to you all! We're so happy for the three of you! Dennis and Pat and children

Sandy and Deedee, We are so happy for both of you! What a wonderful time of year to have a new baby, with the weather being so warm to take walks and naps outside. Just savor all those times, because before you are even aware, she'll be walking and you'll be running!! Enough of the serious stuff, and by the way, I love her name!! I only know one other Annie in the area and she is just adorable and a great kid. I'm sure for the next week or so you'll need to figure out a good routine, and you will. After that, let's get together for that glass of wine we talked about!! Looking forward to seeing all three of you very soon. Love, Carol and Dan

With love and best wishes to "Annie" and her mom and dad! Mike and Esther

Something for baby. Hoping it'll be fun to choose something your little one can use! Congratulations. Congratulations, dear Sandy and Deedee. I bet you are both very happy with your little girl. I was glad to hear from you. And the good news. God bless you all. With love, Aunt Anna

Deedee and Sandy, Congratulations and best wishes! This sometimes crazy world displayed excellent taste in choosing both of you to guide a child through life. Fondly, Marcia

A baby girl! Just a wee bundle, not very old, so sweet to kiss and cuddle and hold. Best wishes to you and that new little dear, who'll bring you much happiness year after! I was so thrilled to hear your wonderful news. Best wishes to you all. Alice

Dear Anne Constance, We are all so glad you are here. May life be kind to you. Love, the B family

Congratulations on the new arrival. Dear dear Deedee and Sandy, The happiest news we have heard since I can't remember when! Your new daughter will be your joy and everyone who loves you shares in the celebration of welcome. Love to you both and to Anne Constance who must have been from under a lucky star to have drawn you two. Hugs and kisses, Ned and Connie and the rest of the C family

You've adopted someone special. Congratulations! May life hold words of happiness and many blessings, too, for you and that sweet little one who's come to live with you. We are so thrilled and delighted for you both on the arrival of Anne Constance (such a beautiful name)! Best wishes, Ilona, Richard and Sarah

You've come a long way baby! Congratulations on your new software! Katrina, Tom and Joshua

Annie dear, Taste all the good things and eat the spinach and broccoli. Love, Connie

Congratulations on your baby's arrival. We are so thrilled for you. Can't think of anyone who deserves more happiness. Welcome, Anne. Call if I can help or you just would like to talk. Love, Trudi, Jeffrey and Zachary

Congratulations. Hope you're having the time of your life with her. Love, Claire and Jim

Daughters bring such joy! This comes with warm wishes for a lifetime of joy for you and your new little girl. Deedee and Sandy, We're so happy for you! John and Jackie

Best wishes to baby and you. This card is coming, baby dear, with a special welcome to you and sincere congratulations to your very proud parents too! And here's an extra wish it's bringing from the undersigned, "May the new little blossom of your family tree bring joys of every kind." Love to all from Aunt Helene

To welcome your new baby, best wishes for today, tomorrow and always. Today, may special gladness begin for all of you, for you must be very happy with your little someone new! Tomorrow, as your baby grows still sweeter and more dear, may all the joys of parenthood increase with every year! Always, may your family be blessed with dreams come true and may each day to come hold lasting happiness for you! Congratulations and love, Aunt Muriel and Uncle John and cousins

To welcome your new little girl. Congratulations to you both and best of wishes, too, to that brand-new baby daughter who has just moved in with you! Dear Sandy and Deedee, what wonderful news! Love, Bruce and Marilyn

Dear Deedee and Sandy, We are all so happy for you and yours. Our special regards and love. We're looking forward to seeing you soon. Everyone at Kids and Co.

Dear Anne, We welcome you with joy and hopes for a long and contented life. Our love to you, Mary, Jack, Joanna and John

Dear Sandy and Deedee, We're so happy to hear about the exciting news! You must be just thrilled to have a little girl! She has a beautiful name too! We bet you're settled in your new place by now and have survived a first winter there! We are planning to move into our first home next onth here in Plainville not far from where you are now! We both just took a real estate course and hope to be selling when school gets out. It's a "hot" market out there right now! We're both still teaching, but looking forward to that last day in June. My new special ed class was lovely this year, the 10-12 year old kids are great, just like you said last summer! We'd love to see you all soon at your convenience! Keep in touch and again, congrats on becoming new parents! Love, Susan and Mitch. P.S. Hope your folks are fine. Have a happy holiday weekend!

I'd like to talk to you about commitment. I'm putting you in a home. Mr. and Mrs. Ridgway, Mr. and Mrs. Schreiber

A baby's hands can touch so much, your hearts, your lives, your love. Congratulations on your new baby girl. So happy to hear the news! Best wishes, Edythe

Oooh baby, we're so glad you're here! Welcome, Annie! You truly are a welcomed child. You have very special parents. All our love, Doug, Betsy, Stuart and Kemp

So your little girl is here! There's a special sunshine in the home, a gladness in the air that seems to breathe the happy news, a brand new baby's here! A sweet and precious baby girl, so tiny and so new, has come to share your hearts and home, how wonderful for you! Congratulations to you all. Love, Rick, Lorrie, Krista and Shana

Your dream come true. It's wonderful. Love, Sheila

Daughters bring such joy! This comes with warm wishes for a lifetime of joy for you and your little girl. Love, John and Gloria

A little girl is special. She'll make you smile, she'll make you laugh, she'll make you love her dearly. And the happiness she brings will double daily, monthly, yearly! Congratulations and warmest wishes to all of you. Love, Helen

Congratulations and much happiness to all of you! Mary Anne, Cheryl, Judy, Barbara, Michele, Terri, Sharon, Andrea, Julie, Diane, Sherry

Dear Annie, I hope I see you sometime soon. I hope you have a nice time at Deedee and Sandy's house. I am going to see you sometime soon (...that's for Deedee and Sandy). When I see you I will have a present for you Annie. I'm glad you were adopted. Are you a nice baby? Love, Skye

You've adopted someone special! May the very special child who has come to live with you bring you every happiness and make your dreams come true. Congratulations. We are so happy for you. Phil and Esther

Happiness is a baby girl. You two are so lucky and your baby is, too. She just couldn't find nicer parents than you. Best wishes for happiness always. Lesley

Welcome home Annie. Love, Shane

Dear Deedee and Sandy, Your dear baby girl is a very special blessing. Your dear little daughter, so tiny and new, is a blessing, and sure to be special to you. For the love that you give to your daughter each day will enrich your life, too, in a wonderful way. Aunt Irene

Deedee, A new baby girl! The waiting is over, the fun has begun, your sweet little daughter is here. May joy come to you and your new baby, too, a joy that grows year after year! Congratulations. So, was I right? Your day has come! I wish you all a life of joy and love. Marge

Congratulations to the baby who chose such wonderful parents. Need I say more? All my love, Andy

Congratulations on your new baby. Just bet the new baby's a darling and simply adorable, too. Your baby just has to be especially nice, with a mother and father like you! Best wishes to baby and the happy parents. Love, Alexis, Christina and the I.A.F. Team

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