Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Kaley and Billy introduced us to London Bridge Baptist Church.

We're not sure we consider ourselves Baptists (we're not sure what we are yet, if we even want to call ourselves something specific other than just having faith and belief), but the church is amazing and something I've been longing to check out for a while.

Thanks, K & B!

They also got us personalized Bibles for wedding presents that are really neat. I plan to have the whole thing read and learned ASAP.

Just a note: I don't resent my upbringing not going to church every Sunday my entire childhood, I actually like learning on my own and figuring out that I believe something or am interested in something without it being forced upon me.

We'll definitely be becoming members of a church - Rod's schedule permitting - when we move. It'll be a great way to meet new people and to participate in the community.

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